Wednesday, November 17


Posted by Alysun

Read: Isaiah 29:16, I Corinthians 2:9, Psalm 139:7-10

We’re distracted. It’s true. You’ll probably be interrupted a few times before you even finish this paragraph -- so I’ll keep this brief. If we could only hold on to our goal and make it through the distractions without getting off track! “If Satan can’t get me with destruction, he will try to get to me with distraction,” is a quote in Believing God, by Beth Moore.

She goes on to say, “We often suffer from spiritual schizophrenic or at least a serious case of attention-deficit disorder… Like the Israelites, who suffered from the potter-clay reversal syndrome (see Isa. 29:16), I sometimes forget that I didn’t see Jesus in the distance and call Him to follow me.

Oh, if only we’d follow and not run ahead or lag behind! Just follow. Our perceptions have been so distorted by our world system that we fear God’s path may be right and respectable, but it’s sure to be boring. Does that sound like the life described in I Corinthians 2:9? The only way we have an earthly experience with God that is more than ears have heard, eyes have seen, and minds have ever imagined is to walk with Him. God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. If we persist in our own way, the spirit of God will accompany us (see Ps. 139:7-10), but we will walk ourselves right into a place we may as well call less-than land, the place of God’s permissive will. When we choose to walk with God rather than off the pasth to handfuls of other options, we find His perfect will for our lives. We find our promised land….

We have only one turn on this green earth. We will never get to do this again. We cannot do a hundred things to the glory of God, but we can certainly do a few. What you and I need is focus. Day in and day out. Eyes on the goal. In our frenzied lifestyles we are desperate for simplicity: for a hundred things to narrow down to one.”

What is the goal and how do we narrow it down to just one? Philippians 3:14 says, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” God has called us all to prize worthy objective: follow.

“Follow me” is the message Jesus preached through his ministry. The endless, muddling distractions try (and often succeed) at taking us away from this one request. Follow. May it be our goal to push away what hinders and keep our eyes up ahead on the only One worthy of being followed.

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