Wednesday, May 25

Choosing To Be Blessed [thankfulness]

Discontent, in all its ugliness, rears into focus. I can see nothing else.

I am the pampered mermaid princess with too many treasures to count. "Thing-a-ma-jigs? I've got twenty.... but I want MORE," the song throbs with emotion.

It helps some to remember how much I have as compared to the poor. Experiences in third-world countries play in my memory. I have so much. Comparing helps. Yes, indeed.

Until I compare up.

I have so little compared to some. Their things are nicer. Better. They have "more."

Even the rich haven't solved the issue of discontent. You have a lot. But someone else has more.

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened

Romans 1:21

What drives it out? Peace doesn't live in this constant comparing, this endless thinking of others and their "things." For better or worse it still leaves me wanting.

Feel so low and grumble so deep

Sitting in the rain

Wearing the dark clouds like a coat

There’s comfort in the gloom

Watching a slideshow of everything wrong with today

Sure, I could count my blessings.

But I don’t want to.

I could name them one by one

They would pile so high they would part the sky

Sun would shine down

And soften this dark mood

Jesus came along and put out his hand.

“Do you want help,” he asked and I shook my head.

No, let me sit in the rain

Wearing the dark clouds like a coat

Sure, I could count my blessings

But I don’t want to

I could name them one by one…

Just try

I name them one by one

They pile so high they touch the sky

Sun shines down

And softens this dark mood

Do you want help? It’s offered here.

Take the hand and come out of the rain.

There is a secret. Don't alert those who want us to believe discontent will lead to better. They want us to believe the answer lies in higher interest rates for investments, lower interest rates for loans, newer cars, smarter kids, prettier spouces, and homes so big we can't find family. It won't.

The answer is to drive out discontent quite deliberately. One exclamation at a time. Thanks. I am thankful for ________. Over and over again until that sickening feeling of empty wanting is gone. Try it and see if discontent can live in this attitude of thankfulness. Like me, maybe you will be overwhelmed with blessings, great, small and nearly insignificant. That's the beauty -- the wanting becomes less, the blessings appear more.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

Special thanks for inspiration and change from One Thousand Gifts.

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