Thursday, January 19

To Endure

Did you know there is a difference between being "ready" and being "done"? Last week I was "ready" for my baby to be here; this week I am completely "done" with this pregnancy. I am tired. I am sick. I am "sleeping" on the hard floor or upright in a chair, switching positions and going to the bathroom approximately 17 times a night. The contractions hurt, but not as bad as the incessant back/kidney pain. My midwife says the baby won't come until I am back in good health. Lovely.

Photo credit: Familia en Jeans
For some reason it's taken me 3 plus days (since this all started) to be reminded that THIS is exactly where God wants me right now. In this trial, in this suffering. I wish so badly the suffering would be active labor, and that I would be rewarded with a baby in my arms, but I know that is yet to come.

For right now, He has me where He wants me, and He's teaching me. He's refining me. It always amazes me when I get slapped upside the head when life doesn't happen according to my plan.

I often forget that it's not about my strength, but about my endurance. How many times do we feel like we have to have amazing amounts of strength to accomplish our tasks at work, at home, in motherhood? That is not the correct way of thinking. God calls us to endure. That's it! For when we endure, then God gives us the strength we need.

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, 

for my power is made perfect in weakness." 

Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly 

about my weaknesses, 

for Christ's power may rest on me."

2 Corinthians 12:9

So today, I will endure. I will endure the pain, the demands of my kids, and the house that is getting away from me. If God promises that Christ's power will rest on me in my weakness, then I can't imagine any other type of rest I'd rather have.

"For you have need of endurance, 
so that when you have done the will of God 
you may receive what is promised."

Hebrews 10:36

Written by guest contributor, Mindi Dunn who blogs with hilarity and grace at Sprouting Roots. She is mom to two little boys and is "patiently" waiting for the arrival of boy number 3.

1 comment:

amy said...

It is so nice to know that I can come to this site to read something that can help me on a bad day.