Monday, August 6

Bring On Monday

Be encoured when you read Psalm 118:15-29

It's here. Whether we want it or not. Monday is happening.

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!??" 

Psalm 118:24

You didn't wake up with this on your mind? No? More like, "Where's my coffee and is that the smell of day-old-poo from the garbage that needs to be taken out or is that the smell of fresh poo with one of my kids starting the day out as stinky as I feel?

I recently typed out "a day in the life." An average day for me at home with my kids. From 4am when I was up to feed the baby to 11pm that night when I crawled exhausted into bed. "Crying" was mentioned roughly 14 times. Even though I added some light-hearted comments about how cute my kids are, how lovely the park was, and how blessed I feel to have this life, I was still left looking at my tiring tirade thinking, "Who would willingly sign up for this?"

We are in the trenches my mama friends. We wake up each day knowing this is going to be tough, knowing something will break, be ruined, someone will cry, we'll be stretched, and argued with... and that's just at breakfast.

How do we equate "this is hard! I don't want Monday" with "let us rejoice and be glad in it"? 

Our God has us right where we need to be. Everyday trials aren't a surprise to him.

My youngest, Tommy,
seizing the day.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, 

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 

plans to give you hope and a future." 

Jeremiah 29:13

This day is full of promise. Full of hope. The trenches might be full of messes, but they are also full prosperity. Prosperity? Really?

To prosper means to be fortunate or successful, to thrive.

When we look for it, it is there in this hard Monday. All the fortune and success, it's buried sometimes under tears, sometimes in piles of laundry, and mostly in a change of perspective. It really is, but it is a choice to look at God's blessings. Dwelling on beauty brings delight.

"This the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice [to find joy and delight] in it [Monday]."

To find joy and delight! The day will come whether we want it to or not. Rejoicing isn't going to come and find you today -- you have to find it. Find it in the moments in this ordinary day. These awesome coming minutes and hours were given by God, the Lord who has plans for you, to prosper you and to give you a hope and future.

Let's thrive in the day we have. Prosperity awaits....

Written by Alysun P.

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