Sunday, January 8

Your Soul Finds Rest

Read Psalm 62

Truly my soul find rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. 

Truly He is my rock and my salvation; 

He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Psalm 62:1-2 

I have a newborn.  I have a 17 month old. I have a four year old. I have laundry piling up, dishes to wash, a schedule to maintain, legs begging to be shaved, meals to prepare, groceries to get, toenail polish to remove from six weeks ago, and spilled milk to clean up from off the floor.

I. Need. Sleep.

At least, I thought I needed sleep.

I decided to neglect my household duties, lay my 17 month old down for a nap, send my four year old off to his room to watch a movie, grab that newborn to snuggle with and head up to my big comfortable bed.

As I laid in my bed trying to fall asleep I could hear God speaking to me. Let’s be honest, it felt more like nagging at that point because I was SO TIRED! Finally, I sat up and I heard Him say, “Your soul finds rest in me alone.”

I got up and blew the dust off of my Bible and sat down to read my daily devotional (that I should actually refer to as my biweekly devotional at this point). I opened up the e-mail and the first words I read were... “My soul clings to you...” Psalm 63:8.

My soul clings to you.

I stared at those five words for several minutes. Turns out I didn’t need a nap. I needed a reminder of my true source of energy. I needed the Holy Spirit.

I literally sat there at my desk, closed my eyes, and chatted with God. I asked Him to help me cling closer to Him and I promised I would trust Him for strength and wisdom. I told Him about my day and praised Him for my precious babies and loving husband.

As it turned out, God missed me, and he almost instantly gave me peace and refreshed my body and soul. 

Thank you God for reminding me to find my rest in you. Thank you for turning my frustration and sleep deprivation into something valuable. Now while you're at it, could you please inspire someone to come up with a product to reduce these dark circles under my eyes? Thanks!

Written by Ashley K.


pamela ronzheimer said...

I am a friend of your mom and your aunties.

Today I have been leaning hard on Jesus' love on behalf of my sweet daughter and her hubby who just lost his job last Fri. (While waiting to adopt their children).

Thanks for sharing these precious verses. I needed the encouragement.
Pamela, a new friend

The Ugly Homemaker said...


I will be sure to add your family to my prayers. God has a plan and it's far greater than anything we could come up with! Hoping for good news regarding the adoption. Take care.